We’ve been looking at our server stats, and as Shakira nearly said, the hits don’t lie. The iPhone 6 launch was more popular than the entire IFA show, let alone any single Android product launch. To put it into context, the only way the next Nexus launch can generate the kind of traffic the iPhone 6 launch did would be if Google glued a bunch of Nexuses to a naked Miley Cyrus, strapped her to a missile and fired it at Russia.
I’ve just checked and this is definitely AndroidPIT, not ApplePIT, so there can only be two explanations. Either you’re all closet Apple fans, or you’re hatewatching.
Anger is an energy
I get it, I really do. I was glued to the U2 bit of the Apple event, unable to tear myself away from a screen that I really wanted to punch. I turned my headphones up louder so I could hear how bad the song was at higher volumes, maximised the video window so there was nothing to mitigate the sheer irritation of Bono, squirmed in my seat as Tim Cook and Bono exchanged obviously scripted quips. I hated every second of it.
It was brilliant.
Am I right? Is Apple the firm you love to hate, or is something else happening?
Source fromhttp://www.androidpit.com